2 ** Write sentences using will or won't.
1 I will drive a car
2 get married x
3 go to university ✓
4 live in another country ✓
5 meet a famous film star X
6 speak three languages
7 be famous X
8 live by the sea​


Ответ дал: deprussion


2 I won't get married

3 I will go to university

4 I will live in another country.

5 I won't meet a famous film star.

7 I won't be famous.

8 I will live by the sea.

mira020580ast: а где 6
deprussion: Вы в 6 ничего не писали,не плюса ни минуса
deprussion: мне остаеться лишь гадать)
alimova197919: 6. I won't speak three languages. Вроде бы так:)
alimova197919: вместо won't will
alimova197919: перепутала
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