я не пониматб,помогите пожалуйста.(​



Ответ дал: maksetov


1. I don't have to go to work.

2. Does your sister have to go to school today?

3. My mother has to go to the post office now.

4. I have to study for the grammar test tomorrow.

5. Do they have to get up early every morning?

6. Patrick doesn't have to drive to the store.

7. Anne has to see a doctor ...

8. I have to answer ...

9. Do you have to leave soon?

10. My friend has to take a driving...

11. Camels don't have to drink ...

12. My sister has to see ...

13. Astronauts have to bring food...

14. A: Does he have to ... B: Yes, he does.

15. Do you really have to make ...

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