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We went to Spain last summer and I had
a great time. I (1) ... snorkelling every day and
|(2) ... a great suntan. I (3) ... some new
friends on the campsite where we were staying,
and I (4) ... lots of photos of them. One day we
went to Seville. We (5) ... bikes and (6) ... all
the sights. I (7) ... postcards to all my friends
back home.


Ответ дал: lebedevru


We went to Spain last summer and I had

a great time. I (1) went snorkelling every day and

|(2) got a great suntan. I (3)made  some new

friends on the campsite where we were staying,

and I (4)took lots of photos of them. One day we

went to Seville. We (5)hired bikes and (6) saw all

the sights. I (7) sent postcards to all my friends

back home.


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