7. Report the following sentences.
1."Switch off the TV," he said to her.
2."Are you sorry for what you did?" mother a sked
the little boy
A. "Do you know that the shoes you are wearing
aren't a pair?" I asked him.
4. "Don't touch that switch, Kate," I said,
5. "Where were you last week, Mr Black?". Bet
6. "Why did you travel first class?" I asked her.
7. "Did you play for your school team?" asked
8. "I don't know what your mother will say when
she sees what a mess your kittens have made," said
my sister
9. “I found an old Roman coin in the garden yes-
terday," he said.
10. "Will you go to the stadium next Wednesday?"
Ann asked me.​


Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. He told her to switch off the TV.
  2. Mother asked the little boy if he was sorry for what he had done.
  3. I asked him if he knew that the shoes he was wearing weren't a pair.
  4. I told Kate not to touch that switch.
  5. Bet asked Mr Black where he had been the previous week.
  6. I asked her why she had travelled first class.
  7. Liz asked me why I had played for my school team.
  8. My sister said she didn't know what my mother would say when she saw what a mess my kittens had made.
  9. He said that he had found an old Roman coin in the garden the previous day.
  10. Ann asked me if I would go to the stadium the following Wednesday.

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