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aleksandr1602007: пожалуйста осталось 15 минут
aleksandr1602007: нет
aleksandr1602007: задание почитай


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1. The woman said that her nephew was a very capable man.She also added that he was already a very skillful specialist.

2. Mike told to the teacher that he had learnt a long poem.

3. And said that she hadn't known that I had liked sushi.

4. She said that she was busy then and she would be busier the next day.

5. Peter said that they had seen a lot of places of interest when they had travelled around Europe the previous month.

6. She told me she wasn't going to leave that city.

7. Fred said that they couldn't give us the money then.

8. Ricky said that he wouldn't shoplift again.

9. James said that he wasn't a fan of horror stories

10. My neighbour said that the police were watching my house.

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