Task 4. Make sentences in the future perfect tense:

1) _________________________________ (you/do) everything by seven?

2) We _______________________ (not/eat) before we come, so we’ll be hungry.

3)____________________________ (he/finish) his exams when we go on holiday?

4) __________________________________ (we/arrive) by the time it gets dark?

5) How long __________________________ (you/know) your boyfriend when you get married?

6) He_____________________________________ (not/complete) the project by July.

7) I ________________________________ (not/finish) the essay by the weekend.

8) Why ________________________________ (she/finish) the cleaning by six?

9) How long ____________________ (you/be) in this company when you retire?

10) They ________________________________________ (not/go) at six.​


Ответ дал: athimova


1)  Will you have done everything by seven?

2) We will not have eaten before we come, so we’ll be hungry.

3 He will have finished his exams when we go on holiday?

4) Will we have arrived by the time it gets dark?

5) How long will you have known your boyfriend when you get married?

6) He will not have completedthe project by July.

7) I will not have finished the essay by the weekend.

8) Why will she have finished the cleaning by six?

9) How long will you have been in this company when you retire?

10) They will not have gone at six.


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