6 a) Make the questions. Use the prompts and the correct auxiliary verbs: is, are,
do, have
1. Where / you / to come from / ?
2. How big / to be / your family / ?
3. What school / you / to study at / ?
4. What / to be / your favourite school subjects / ?
5. What free time activities / you / to be interested in / ?
6. What countries / you / to visit / ?
b) Work in pairs. Use the questions from Ex. 6a to interview your new friend. Then
tell him/her about yourself
. Is there anything you have in common?​


Ответ дал: valievemil

a) 1)Where did you come from?

   2)How big is your family?

   3)What scool do you study at?

   4)What are your favourite subjects at scool?

   5)what free time activities are you interested in?

   6)What countries have you ever visited?

b) 1)I came from (страна где ты живёшь)

   2)My family has (сколько человек в семье) people

   3)I study at scool number (номер школы)

   4)my favourite subjects are english and maths

   5)I'm inerested in reading books

   6)I visited (название страны в которой ты был)


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