Помогите с английским пожалуйста. 
Употребите правильную форму прилагательного в скобках. 
1.Your English is improving. It`s getting (good) and (good).
2.Who is the (famous) person  in the world?
3.The meal cost (little) than I expected. 
4.Are you the (old) in your family? 
5.There are (few) public holidays in Great Britain than in other European countries.
6.He was as (white) as a sheet. 
7.This cartoon is (funny) than that one.
8.Who is the (good) student in the class?
9.It was an awful day. It was the (bad) day of my life.
10.Jane is two years (old) than Jack.
11.She is not so (nervous) as her brother.
12.It is the (busy) time of the year.
13.I`d like to have a (big) car than my old one.
14.That`s tha (far) I`ve ever run.
15.The exam was quite difficult - (difficult) than we expected.
16.The (great) national holiday in our country is Victory Day.
17.Hard beds are (healthy) than soft ones.
18.She is the (slim) girl in our group. 
19.Which month is the (short) in a year? 
20.What is the (late) news?


Ответ дал: Эленаль
1 better and better
2 the most famous
3 less
4 oldest
5 fewer
6 white
7 funnier
8 best
9 worst
10 older
11 nervous
12 busiest
13 bigger
14 farest
15 more difficult
16 greatest
17 more healthy
18 slimest
19 shortest
20 latest

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