ОООО Уменые люди из Brainly помогите пожалуйста 


Put the verbs in brackets into the past

simple or the past continuous.


Аdevastating flash flood 1)

(occur) in the village of Downton yesterday. Emma

Michael, a local resident, narrowly escaped injury when

floodwaters 2) .......

(wash away) a

bridge on her way to work. "It 3)...

(rain) and the wind 4) ......

(blow) as I 15) ...........

(drive) to work

yesterday morning," says Emma. I 6)...

(listen) to the radio when I 7)...


reports that the water in the river 8)...(be) really high.

I 9) .......

(stop) my car

to take a look and, at that moment, a huge wall of water 10) 

(rush) down the river and

11) ....

(sweep away) the bridge. I the

12) ....

(have) a lucky escape!​​


Ответ дал: BeiDou


1. Occured

2. Flashed away

3. Was raining

4. Was blowing

5. Was driving

6.was listening

7. Heard

8. Was

9. Stoped

10. Rushed

11. Sweeped away

12. Had


veronikalevchuk36: дякую
Аноним: Пожалуйста помоги с этим заданием
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