The Present Simple Tense
1. Поставити дієслова у дужках у теперішньому простому часі відповідно до особи.
1) I _______ at school now (be).
2) These children ________ in the yard (be).
3) My sister ________ playing tennis (play).
4) A daughter _________ at the university (study).
5) The pupils of our school ________ part in this competition (take).
6) He _______ me a book (give).
7) His brother often_________ a lot of magazines (carry).
8) I _________ watching TV every evening (like).
9) They always ____________ TV in the morning (watch).
10) She usually _________ a coat and mittens in winter (dress).
11) We _______ schoolchildren (be).
12) They usually __________ five or six lessons every day (have).
13) Tommy ________ a lot of relatives (have).
14) He often _______ to school on foot (go).
15) I always ______ my home task in the evening (do).
16) Their son ________ his home task (do)


Ответ дал: minateddy


1. was

2. were

3. played

4. studied

5. took

6. gave

7. carried

8. liked

9. watched

10. dressed

11. were

12. had

13. had

14. went

15. did

16. did.


vika107295: Вибачте, але ви помилилися)
vika107295: Ви написали все в Past Simple)(
vika107295: І ще слово always є ознакою Present Simple
Ответ дал: vika107295
1. Am
2. Are
3. Plays
4. Studies
5. Take
6. Gives
7. Carries
8. Like
9. Watch
10. Dresses
11. Are
12. Have
13. Has
14. Goes
15. Do
16. Does
Present Simple - теперішній час
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