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Ex. 1. Read and translate the sentences. Make them: a) interrogative; b) negative.

1. I have never been to France. 2. John has studied two foreign languages. 3. The army has attacked that city five times. 4. He had searched the place by 5.30. 5. The man had spent a month in prison by that time. 6. The study of documents will have provided much information by the end of the investigation. 7. The investigator will have interviewed many witnesses by six o’clock


Ответ дал: Аноним

1. I have never been to France. (Я никогда не был во Франции.)

Вопрос: Have I ever been to France?

Отриц.: I have never been to France.

2. John has studied two foreign languages. (Джон учил два иностранных языка.)

Вопрос: Has John studied two foreign languages?

Отриц.: John hasn't studied two foreign languages.

3. The army has attacked that city five times. (Армия атаковала этот город пять раз.)

Вопрос: Has the army attacked that city five times?

Отриц.: The army hasn't attacked that city five times.

4. He had searched the place by 5.30. (Он обыскал место к половине шестого.)

Вопрос: Had he searched the place by 5.30?

Отриц.: He hadn't searched the place by 5.30.

5. The man had spent a month in prison by that time. (К этому времени мужчина потратил месяц в тюрьме.)

Вопрос: Had the man spent a month in prison by that time?

Отриц.: The man hadn't spent a month in prison by that time.

6. The study of documents will have provided much information by the end of the investigation. (Изучение документов предоставит много информации к концу расследования.)

Вопрос: Will the study of documents have provided much information by the end of the investigation?

Отриц.: The study of documents won't have provided much information by the end of the investigation.

7. The investigator will have interviewed many witnesses by six o'clock. (К шести часам следователь допросит много свидетелей.)

Вопрос: Will the investigator have interviewed many witnesses by six o'clock?

Отриц.: The investigator won't have interviewed many witnesses by six o'clock.

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