Срочно , відповісти на питання​



Ответ дал: cathystar12



1. Yes I love studying because I love to explore my knowledges

2. My favorite subject is mathematics

3. I prefer to study with my friends in the library

4.No, I am not afraid of teachers

5.I study every day at the library with my best friend

6. My favorite schoo teacher is my art teacher

7.I have never taken any summer classes

8.I feel anxious whenever I have exams

9.I don’t watch any learning programs on TV

10. I have never been the teacher’s pet

11.I think ICT is necessary for learning

12.I prefer paper books

13.Yes I have been to the library

14.Yes, I am planning to study in a university abroad

15.I prefer in person classes, because I feel like there’s more interaction and it’s more fun

16. Education is the key to success

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