11. I dislike
12. He asked
(come) with us.
13. I promise
(help) you tomorrow.
14. We discussed
(go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home.
15. She agreed
(bring) the pudding.
16. I don't recommend
(take) the bus, it takes forever!
17. We hope
(visit) Amsterdam next month.
18. She suggested
(go) to the museum.
19. They plan
(start) college in the autumn.
20. I don't want
(leave) yet.​


Ответ дал: leyliiskenderli
12)to come
13)to help
15)to bring
16)to take
17)to visit
18)to go
19)to start
20) leaving
(я не настаиваю, что у меня всё верно! но в любом случае, в учебнике должно быть правило)
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