Complite the text. Put the verbs inthe Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
1) I am sitting (sit) in the park and I ... not ... (write) my notes at the moment.
2) It ... (be) hot.
3) I ... (hate) this hot weather.
4) I ... not ... (want) to sit here.
5) Wut Roger ... (play) tennis with his friend.
6) They ... (run) and ... (laugh).
7) They ... not ... (ask) for any ise cream or cold lemonade.
8) They ... (have) fun.
9) They ... (like) the hot weather.
10) Oh, but I ... (see) an ice cream man!
11) Ice cream ... (be) cold and tastes great.
12) Now I ... (be) happy.


Ответ дал: Амина2002509353
I am sitting in the park and i am not writing my notes at the moment. It is not. I hating this hot weather. I am not want to sit here. Wut Roger playing tennis with his friend.
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