prepare clearly
tone of gestures
target voice
hand deeply
breathe audience
speak a presentation

1. Unfortunately, the speaker used lots of big .............................................., which was really distracting.
2. Try to vary your ............................................... Don’t speak on the same level all the time as it can be boring.
3. The professor was very knowledgeable about her subject but she used a lot of technical terms which the .............................................. of university students were unlikely to understand.
4. If I feel nervous before giving a presentation, I try to .............................................. as it helps me relax.
5. I don’t have time to go out tonight. I’ve got to .............................................. for a big meeting tomorrow.
6. You don’t need to be a native speaker to give a good presentation in English. You just need to .............................................. and keep it simple.


Ответ дал: DopeDonut
1. ( Gestures; check the phrase in the task again )
2. Voice
3. Audience
4. Breathe
5. Prepare
6. Speak

ivilina808: спасибо большое))
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