Choose the correct options.
1 I’ll be happy if I pass / will pass
the exam!
2 If Dad lends me the money, I’m /
I’ll be able to buy an MP3 player.
3 I’ll tell your parents if you do / are
doing that again.
4 If we miss the next bus, we won’t
/ don’t get there in time.
5 She’ll be upset if you not / don’t
send her a birthday card.
6 We’ll go for a walk if it stop /
stops raining.
7 If you go to the doctor, he give /
he’ll give you some medicine.
8 We will celebrate if we win / will
win the match tomorrow.


Ответ дал: sylvesterzz


1 pass

2 I'll

3 do

4 won't

5 don't

6 stops

7 he'll

8 win

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