Вставить в пропуски 20 баллов!
isnt too lot of an some much any many arent

Excuse me! Do you have (26) ____________ apples?
There (27) ____________ many apples.
I eat a (28) ____________ apples. I love them.
Yes, how (29) ____________ do you want?
Can I have (30) ____________ wine, please?
How (31) ____________ do you want?
Be careful not to drink (32) ____________ much!
There (33) ____________ much wine in the bottle.
Can I have (34) ____________ orange?​


Ответ дал: azumigacha1


26. any

27. are

28. lot of

29. many

30. some

31. much

32. too

33. is

34. some


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