Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple. Past Continuous or Past Perfect.
1) Helen... (to wush) the dishes when I... (to come) into the kitchen. 2) When we... ( to get) your message you... (alrrady to leave) our town . 3) Tony... (to listen) to the latest news while his
wife...(to make) a cup of tea for him. 4) Sam...(to walk) house when
he...(to hear) a cry for help. 5) When Pete...(to turn off) the computer he...(to realize) that he... (not to save) his work.


Ответ дал: svetafinchenko


1 was washing/came 2 got/had already left 3 was listenig /was making 4 was walking/heard 5 turned/realized/hadnt saved


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