Collect information about a statue or monument in your country. Write a short text about it or prepare a presentation. Use the passive. Present it to the class.
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Ответ дал: zhankalybaktybaev16


The Independence Monument


The Independence Monument – Kazakhstan is a monument on the central square (Republic Square) of Almaty, the main motive of which is the image of the Golden Man. Along with Bayterek, it is a symbol of modern Kazakhstan.

The Independence Monument was opened on the Republic Square on December 16, 1996 by the decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev[1]. The head of the author's group was the Honored Architect of the republic, a descendant of Chokan Valikhanov Shota Valikhanov. The author's group includes sculptors Adilet Zhumabayev, Nurlan Dalbayev and architect Kazybek Zharylgapov. The monument was also designed and erected with the co-authorship of Kaldybay Montakhayev, Murat Mansurov, Azat Bayarlin, Kazybek Satybaldin. The idea of creating the Independence Monument came to the President of the Republic during a trip to Egypt in 1993, to the city of Luxor, where there is a monument in honor of the independence of Egypt. On this trip, Nursultan Abishevich was accompanied by Shota Valikhanov, who proposed to create a similar monument in Kazakhstan. The exposition of the complex is stretched horizontally for 180 meters.

The center of the composition is a vertical plastic stele, reminiscent of the relief Mangyshlak kulpytas, and has a height of 28 meters. It ends with the "Golden Man" (6 meters high) - the ruler who controls the winged leopard standing up and symbolizes the firm state power on the Kazakh land.

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