Change Present Continuous into Present Perfect.

e.g.: We are learning the rule now. − We have already learnt the rule.

1. I am taking a shower.
2. He’s eating breakfast.
3. Bob’s repairing his car.
4. The pupils are doing their homework.
5. She is speaking to the manager.
6. Granny is knitting a sweater.
7. You are watering the flowers.
8. They are listening to the text.
9. My younger sister is washing up.
10. He is tidying up the bedroom.


Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. I have taken a shower.
  2. He's eaten breakfast.
  3. Bob's repaired his car.
  4. The pupils have done their homework.
  5. She has spoken to the manager.
  6. Granny has knit a sweater.
  7. You have watered the flowers.
  8. They have listened to the text.
  9. My younger sister has washed up.
  10. He has tidied up the bedroom.
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