Помогите срочно!!
Insert a, an, some or any.
1.    I’ve got ________ pen and ________ pencils in my bag.
2.    Are there ________ maps in the classroom? Yes, there are ________.
3.    There is ________ cheese on the table and ________ coffee in the cup.
4.    There is ________Englishman in the room.
5.    There is ________ European car in front of the hospital.
6.    Have we got ________eggs? Yes, we’ve got ________.
7.    There are ________ sweets on the table.
8.    Is there ________ butter in the fridge? No, there isn’t ________ butter but there is ________ cheese.


Ответ дал: evelina5090


1. a, a

2. any

3. some, some

4. an

5. an

6. any, some

7. some

8. any, any, some

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