Fill in the gaps with verbs based on the context​



Ответ дал: Decoration
  1. It would be silly if we tried to walk there.
  2. I will watch the film only if the reviews are good.
  3. She would have taken me to the station if her car hadn't broken down.
  4. If you want, he will help you.
  5. If it hadn't rained yesterday, we would have gone sailing.
  6. Would you mind if I used your mobile?
  7. I wouldn't have opened the mail if it had contained a virus.
  8. Even if had a wet suit, I wouldn't go scuba-diving.
  9. You wouldn't have been that strict if you had known the truth.
  10. We would take another route if they didn't know the road.
  11. If I had had more time, I would have gone to your party yesterday.
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