Упражнение 3. Change the sentences from Active into Passive.


I keep my pet in the house.

— My pet is kept in the house.

1. We always write new words into our exercise books.

2. Exercises follow every text.

3. The pupils use the school library.

4. Not all pupils wear the school uniform.

5. The teacher gives us all the text-books.

6. My mother washes my clothes.


Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. New words are always written into our exercise books.
  2. Every text is followed by exercises.
  3. The school library is used (by the pupils).
  4. The school uniform is not worn by all pupils.
  5. All the text-books are given to us (by the teacher).
  6. My clothes are washed (by my mother).
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