Present perfect tense. Утворіть з поданих речень цей час. Речення запишіть у розповідній формі та питальній. ​



Ответ дал: anasteishasr


1. He has finished training.

Has he finished training?

2. She has scored twenty points in the match.

Has she scored twenty points in the match?

3. We have watched all the Champions League matches this season.

Have we watched all the Champions League matches this season?

4. That's amazing! She has run fifteen kilometres this morning!

Has she run fifteen kilometres this morning?

5. She has bought some really nice rollerblades!

Has she bought some really nice rollerblades?

6. Oh,no! I have lost my money!

have you lost your money?


можно лучший ответ пожалуйста? все должно быть правильно, давно учу английский

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