
Task Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms.

1. Did Samanta apologize for (to be/ being) late?

2. Did you enjoy (to dance / dancing).

3. I don`t mind (to tell / telling) you the truth at all.

4. I have no idea what (doing / to do).

5. I am interested in (reading / to read) books.

6. It is difficult (finding / to find) them.

7. He is looking forward to (to go / going) back home.

mirambekinzu: Что


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. Did Samanta apologize for being late?

2. Did you enjoy dancing?

3. I don`t mind telling you the truth at all.

4. I have no idea what to do.

5. I am interested in reading books.

6. It is difficult to find them.

7. He is looking forward to going back home.

Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. Did Samanta apologise for being late?
  2. Did you enjoy dancing?
  3. I don't mind telling you the truth at all.
  4. I have no idea what to do.
  5. I am interested in reading books.
  6. it is difficult to find them.
  7. He is looking forward to going back home.

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