Заполните пробелы, используйте:someone,something, anyone , anything.
1.Hello! Is _______ at home.
2.Hi, Mom. Look! I have __________ for you.
3.The refrigerator is empty. There isn't ___________ to eat.
4. Excuse me. I think there's _______ at the door.
5. I have _________ in my eye. I can't see.
6. It's Sunday. There isn't ________ in the office.
Дам 15 баллов, пожалуйста без тупых ответов​


Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. Hello! Is anyone at home?
  2. Hi, mum. Look! I have something for you.
  3. The refrigerator is empty. There isn't anything to eat.
  4. Excuse me. I think there's something at the door.
  5. I have something in my eye. I can't see.
  6. It's Sunday. There isn't anyone in the office.
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