1. Did you ski last weekend?
A.    Yes, I played on Saturday.
B.    Yes, I skied on Tuesday.
C.    Yes, I skied on Sunday.
D.    Yes, I played on Wednesday.
2. I got up ___ than my mother.
A.    the earliest
B.    earlier
C.    earliest
D.    early
3. Are you ___ at the moon?
A.    look
B.    looks
C.    looking
D.    looked
4. I ___ tired, so I went to bed early.
A.    was
B.    is
C.    am
D.    were
5. What are you doing?
A.    I have eaten.
B.    I'm eating.
C.    I ate.
D.    I will be eating.
6. How do you spell "dog"?
A.    Cat.
B.    No, I don't.
C.    D-O-G
D.    I have one dog.
7. Have you eaten lunch yet?
A.    Yes, I've already eaten.
B.    Yes, I've already ate.
C.    Yes, I've eaten yet.
D.    Yes, I've ate yet.
8. Who do you usually go shopping with?
A.    By myself.
B.    Downtown.
C.    On Sunday.
D.    Two or three hours.
9. My younger brother ___ dinner last night.
A.    cook
B.    cooks
C.    cooked
D.    cooking
10. I want you to ___ here with me.
A.    staying
B.    stay
C.    stayed
D.    stays


Ответ дал: maarkmm62


1. C

2. earlier

3. looking

4. was

5. B


7. A



10. B

Объяснение: yes

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