* Read the article and tick (v) the
statements T (true), F (false) or
DS (doesn't say).
Junk Food:
Rubbish or not?
Junk food isn't actually made of rubbish, as the word
suggests, but it does describe food that is not good for
your body. Junk food has lots of fat, sugar and salt
which makes it taste good. That's why many people
like it and eat a lot of it.
But did you know that when you eat junk food, you're
not giving your body the protein and vitamins it needs?
Sweets and chocolate contain a lot of sugar which
gives you a burst of energy that does not last long
That is why you get tired quickly when you eat this
kind of food. Not only that, junk food can actually lead
to disease. Too much junk food can make you fat and
turn your skin a poor colour. The sugar it contains
damages your teeth and can cause cavities. Eventually,
it can even damage your heart and lungs. Clearly, junk
food is not the answer when you are hungry and need
something to give you energy.
So, when you're at the supermarket, try not to buy
packets of crisps and cans of cola. Instead, choose
cartons of milk or orange juice and snacks like bananas
or some cheese. Milk, meat, spaghetti, fruit and
vegetables all give your body the nutrients it needs to
grow and be healthy
Remember, it's important to eat lots of fruit and
vegetables and not too much junk food each day. You
need to make smart choices when looking for a snack.
So throw away the junk food and eat healthily!
1 Junk food contains lots of
2 Sweets give you energy all day.
3 Junk food makes you tired.
4 Junk food can damage your
teeth in a month.
5 Junk food affects the brain.
6 Buying milk and bananas is a
smart choice.
7 Meat and spaghetti help your


Ответ дал: khonthebest


1 Junk food contains lots of

vitamins  -  - F

2 Sweets give you energy all day.  F

3 Junk food makes you tired.  T

4 Junk food can damage your

teeth in a month.     ----true

5 Junk food affects the brain.  - DS

6 Buying milk and bananas is a

smart choice. T

7 Meat and spaghetti help your

body​  T


hjfdhg: 4 Т?
hjfdhg: спасибо
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