Перестройте предложения, образуя пассивный залог. Предложения переведите.
1) My relatives often spend much time together.
2) They visited a museum last Sunday.
3) This company is building new houses.
4) They have left the town recently.
5) Students will attend lectures on this subject next term.
6) We were taking the exam at 12 pm yesterday.
7) He often writes his homeworks with a pencil.
8) Pupils learnt the poem a week ago.


Ответ дал: Аноним
  1. Much time is often spent together by my relatives.  Мои родственники часто проводят время вместе.
  2. A museum was visited by them last Sunday.  В прошлое воскресенье они посетили музей.
  3. New houses are being built by this company.  Эта компания строит новые дома.
  4. The town has been left by them recently.  Недавно они покинули город.
  5. Lectures on this subject will be attended by students next term.  Студенты будут посещать лекции по этому предмету в следующем семестре.
  6. The exam was being taken at twelve pm yesterday (by us).  Мы сдавали экзамен вчера в 12 часов дня.
  7. His homework are often written by him with a pencil.  Он часто выполняет свою домашнюю работу карандашом.
  8. The poem was learnt by pupils a week ago.  Ученики выучили стихотворения неделю назад.
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