Помогите по английскому, очень надо

Дам 50 балов!!!!


Litvan19: ага сказал 100 а за решение лают 50
xexr: поправил
Аноним: Тут нет ошибки. За ответ дают 50 баллов; и ещё 25 баллов, если ответ выберут лучшим.


Ответ дал: Аноним
  • They expected the man to cross the street.
  • He saw his mother write them a letter.
  • We wished the work to be done in time.
  • He made everybody laugh.
  • She let her go.
  • I supposed this man to be your friend.
  • My friend wants to help him with his homework.
  • They are known to be good friends.
  • I supposed to write this article two years ago.
  • She watched her farther make his report.
  • He was said to write them a letter.
  • My friend wants his father to help him with his homework.
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