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Ответ дал: Аноним


  1. Unless global emissions are reduced, huge areas of land will be flooded and the world economy will collapse. By 2050 up to one million species will have become extinct due to the loss of natural habitats.
  2. If only we used the water we need, we would contribute to our planet's recovery.
  3. In case we keep on using more and more cars, we will run out of oil.
  4. We would save thousands of trees if we didn't waste so much paper.
  5. Pollution will increase if we use more oil and coal. If pollution incrases, more and more trees will die. The climate will change if more trees die.
  6. If we try to control pollution, it will be very expensive. Unless we control pollution soon, it will be too late.
  7. Providing we recycle more, we will help our planet.
  8. As soon as people share their cars to go to work, there won't be so many car fumes.
  9. Until the government fines those who pollute the atmosphere, some factories won't stop throwing waste into rivers.


  1. As soon as we decrease carbon emissions, air pollution will go down.
  2. Unless we take an action now, it's unlikely that we reduce the impact of global warming.
  3. When we travel by train, we only produce 12.5% of the emissions of a flight.
  4. Providing you pay an organisation to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere, you will offset carbon emissions.
  5. In case we stop buying food from Africans, we will make them poorer.
  6. The situation won't improve until we all work together.

rjcnz007: спасибо ❤️
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