Present Simple
1. Jack go / goes to a film club on Wednesdays. 2. I love / loves reading in my free time. 3. They don't
doesn't usually see each other during the week. 4. The train leave / leaves at 6.30.5. Do / Does Ollie play
chess? 6. Daisy like / likes most sports. 7. We always get up / gets up at 7 o'clock.
Present Continuous
1. I'm really busy - I
(study) for the exam. 2. Right now we
(ride) camels! 3. They said they
(have) a great
time. 4. Daisy
(download) an album. 5. What
(you do) at the moment? 6. They
(wait) for me in the café. 7. The weather's
terrible, so we
(not go) walking much.​


Ответ дал: YSAMMA


1. Goes

2. Love

3. Don’t

4. Leaves

5. Does


7. Get up

1. Am studying

2. Are riding

3. Are having

4. Is downloading

5. Are you doing

6. Are waiting

7. Are not going


Ответ дал: 1justaddzi1

Present Simple

1. Goes

2. Love

3. Don't

4. Leaves

5. Does


7. Get up

Present Continuous

1. Am studying

2. Are riding

3. Are having

4. Is downloading

5. Are you doing

6. Are waiting

7. Are not going

AykaZayka008: Привет Дильбар)
1justaddzi1: Хай и спс за то что имя спалила)
AykaZayka008: Хах)
Вас заинтересует