What do you do to stay healthy?

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. There is 1 extra word that you don’t need to use. 


syrmakbaevayulduz: 1) 1-2, 2-3, 3-1
2) ill health, stop eatimg.., it gives...
3) 1-2, 2-3, 3-1
4) suffer, sick, mirror
5) yes, yes, no
6) eating..., most of..., therefore
7) suffer, sick, mirror
8) F,N,T,F
9) topic sentence, body, conclusion


Ответ дал: belesalserzzx


When you eat a lot of fast food,you suffer from stomachache.It is an awful physical pain.

You feel sick when you catch a cold.You are ill and you need a doctor.

When you look in the mirror you see your beautiful image.

crqqm: 6) topic sentence: eating habits play an....| body:most of you can...| conclusion:therefore, stop eating...
crqqm: 7) 1. suffer, 2.sick, 3.mirror
crqqm: 8) 1. false, 2. true, 3. not given, 4. false. 9) 1.topic sentence 2.body 3. conclusion
dauzovharli009: мистер crqqm благодарю от всей души, здоровья тебе
dauzovharli009: спасибо
87772698633: спасибо
mirei2008: В 8, там 2 и 3 надо местами поменять.
ajnaraserikova07: mirei2008 спасибо что написала как будет
alzank505: спс комментам
syrmakbaevayulduz: 1) 1-2, 2-3, 3-1
2) ill health, stop eatimg.., it gives...
3) 1-2, 2-3, 3-1
4) suffer, sick, mirror
5) yes, yes, no
6) eating..., most of..., therefore
7) suffer, sick, mirror
8) F,N,T,F
9) topic sentence, body, conclusion
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