Open the brackets and put the correct possessive form
1) This is……….bike. (John)
2) Let's go to the ……... party (Smiths)
3) The……… is upstairs. (children)
4) ……….sister is twelve years old. (Peter)
5) …………..and…………school is very strict. (Kate - Robb)
6) ……… are on the second floor. (men)
7) My………car was not expensive. (parents)
8) ………….CD player is new. (Charles)
9) This is the…………dress. (girl)
10) These are the…………pencils. (boys)

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Ответ дал: darina9091
This is Johns bike
Let’s go to the seamsxbbxjxjxjjx
Ответ дал: Amaryllis18


1) This is John's bike.  

2) Let's go to the Smiths' party.

3) The children's room is upstairs.

4) Peter's sister is twelve years old.

5) Kate and Robb's school is very strict.  

6) Men's shoes are on the second floor.

7) My parents' car was not expensive.  

8) Charles' CD player is new.

9) This is the girl's dress.

10) These are the boys' pencils.  

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