1 a) Guess the names of these Ukrainian cities / towns,
1 The symbol of the city is the famous Potemkin Stairs on
Prymorski Boulevard
2 It is a health resort which is known for its medical water
3 The city lies on the right bank of the Desna River,
approximately 150 km from Kyiv and is one of the oldest
cities in Ukraine
4 There is a museum Pysanka in this town of Ivano
Frankivsk region, that is the only museum in the world
which exhibits the works of pysanka painting
5 It is the town and district centre in Transcarpathian region
which is known by its charming Palanok Castle of the
14-17th centuries
6 Khortytsia is a historical cultural preserve that is located
in this cily
7 It is the town in Chercasy region, where there is a unique
park, built by Belgian engineer Mettez at the request of
Count S. Potocki and named in honour of his wife Sofia


Ответ дал: lilyok2006


1. Odessa city

2. Truskavets town

3. Korosten city

4. Kolomyia town

5. Uzhgorod city

6. Zaporizhzhia city

7. Uman town

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lilyok2006: пожалуйста <3
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