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maryromanova1995: возраст,я так понимаю, приблизительный писать?
Аноним: да
Аноним: бабе 81
Аноним: Максу 27
Аноним: сестрам 12
Аноним: а ластеру и братьев не надо


Ответ дал: maryromanova1995


At picture one you can see an old  woman with silver wave hair. Her name is Amy. She is 81 years old. She has got light, and in my opinion, some sad eyes.  I didn't find smile on ger face.  

At picture two you can see Eric and Frank.They are twins. They are....... years old. Both of them have got short brown hair, blue eyes and pretty smile.

At  the picture number three I see a strong young man. His name is Max. He is.... years old. He has got dark skin , black short curly hair and dark brown eyes. His face looks seriously, but his eyes are so kind. Besides posh hair on his head he has no less gorgeous mustache.

At the next picture you can see Yoko and Lee. They are sisters. They are ....years old. Both of them have got long streight  black hair. They have got   yellow skin,  narrow eyes and beautiful smiles.

On the last picture you can see an old silver-hair man. He's Lester. He's .... years old. He has got white hair ,  big no frown eybrown on his face and big thick moustache. He seems very kind and good-natured.


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