Помогите пожалуйста! Очень срочно, завтра уже будет поздно!

1) Сhoose Present Continuous or Present Simple, write only the verb form. Don't use punctuation marks.

1. In summer the sun (to shine) brightly.

2. Mary (to play) the piano every evening.

3. I (to look) at that tree in the garden now.

2) Put the words into the correct order. Write full sentences with full verb forms. Use punctuation marks in your sentences (full stops and question marks).

1. is/Mr Jones/lunch/at the moment/having.

2. Bob/not/working/is/these days.

3. Kate/is/seeing/not/dentist/the/today.

3) Choose the right word:

1. Kathy cleans her room on Fridays/at the moment

2. Jake is sitting his exams this week/at night

3. My friend and I play computer games on Saturday afternoons/at present


Ответ дал: deprussion


1. In summer the sun shines brightly.

2. Mary plays the piano every evening.

3. I am looking at that tree in the garden now.

1. Mr Jones is having lunch at the moment.

2. Bob isn't working these days.

3. Kate isn't seeing the dentist today.

1. Kathy cleans her room on Fridays/at the moment

2. Jake is sitting his exams this week/at night

3. My friend and I play computer games on Saturday afternoons/at present

Hoffin: Спасибо
Ответ дал: dadayevamuslima4



1. In summer the sun to shined brightly

2. Mary to played the piano every evening

3.I to looked at that three in the garden now


1. Mr. Jones at the moment having is lunch

2.Bob is not working these day

3.Kate is not seeing dentists the today


1. Kathy cleansher room on Friday

2. Jake is sitting his exams this week

3. My friend and i play computer games on Saturday afternoons

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