Read the statements. Decide which type of houses it is describing and click the correct option.
In this type of houses the rooms are large. _______
This type of houses has a lot of neighbours. _____
This type of houses usually has special place for an outdoor hobby. _______​


Ответ дал: Mrdecided


1) In this type of houses the rooms are large. penthouse fals

2) This type of houses has a lot of neighbours. blocks of flats

3) This type of houses usually has special place for an outdoor hobby. cottage

Верно 100% проверил в онлайн мектепе.

ebatyrbay: Mologec. Emo BepHo!
sarsenovag82: Спасибо за ответ
Timurmolchanov228: спасибо друг
ergalizhansaule15: извини, случайно на 4 звёзды нажала
ergalizhansaule15: звезды*
bella2610: в рай
Аноним: не сы я актёру поставил
Ответ дал: meirbeknura


1.penthouse flat

2.blocks of flats



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Fritinsi: Выдцдвадудв
Fritinsi: 1 на 1?
bella2610: в рай
barbanaka70: Почему сразу красть? Ну можно было ещё один ответ добавить он и добавил
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