Fill in the gaps with a few / few, a little / little.
1. She made _________________ attempts and found she couldn’t work; she couldn’t even read.
2. This is not a very difficult task but still it demands _________________ eff ort.
3. There was a lot of dramatic debate, but there was _________________ agreement on concrete details.
4. Learning to play the piano requires years of patient practising that _____________ adults have time for.
5. There was nothing else in the bag: _________________ money, _________________ other things of no importance.
6. The accident occurred late on Tuesday but was not discovered until _________________ survivors emerged.
7. There were _________________ people around: many streets were deserted.
8. McDonald’s new worldwide health education campaign focuses largely on exercise, with _________________ discussion of diet.
9. For _________________ minutes longer Isabel tried to sort out hard facts from vague suspicions (смутные подозрения), with _________________ success.
10. His uncle hadn’t much money, he supposed, but there would be _________________, enough to put in central heating.
11. My personal way of living is to make _________________ agreements and keep the ones I make.
12. Don’t feel guilty about giving yourself _________________ time off occasionally.

Put the quantifiers in the comparative form and add a suitable modifier.
1. Three thousand Italian emigrants said that Italy offered _______ (little) money and _______(few) career prospects than the countries they had moved to.
2. Nowadays the Internet offers _______ (many) opportunities for networking than ever before.
3. Many rich people that I've known live in fear of having their wealth taken away, _______ (much) fear than the poor people I've known.
4. Nature by itself shows many signs of order and intelligence, but _______ (few) signs of love or mercy.
5. Is it true that children these days have _______ (little) respect for their elders and their teachers?
6. It always makes me wonder how one culture managed to have so ________ (many) customs than another.
7. This book deserves _________ (much) recognition than it has received.
8. America is a much larger and more varied country with _________ (many) natural resources and a larger population than Britain.


Ответ дал: Lifesaver2001



1.a few


3.a little


5.a little, a few

6.a few



9.a few,little

10.a little

11.a few

12.a little











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