Дополни диалоги. Используй слова из рамки: a) What did she wear? b) What's the matter, poor thing? c) Wow! d) Oh, no! I thought it was Monday. e) He has no time for it. f) I don't think she'll like to do it. g) It's very clever of you. h) What made you unhappy? 1)- It's Tuesday today. - Is it? ... . 2) - I know the answer. - Do you? … . 3) - I was the best! - Were you? … . 4) - Sara looked wonderful. - Did she? … . 5) - James should have a hobby. - Should he? … . 6) - I can't eat ice cream today. - Can't you? … . 7) - I felt very sad. - Did you? … . 8) - Nina must visit this museum. - Must she? … .


Ответ дал: cdvk68cir8

1 - d

2 - g

3 - с

4 - а

5 - е

6 - b

7 - h

8 - f

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