Вставьте артикль "the" вместо точек там, где это необходимо
1. My friend Tom is ... best student in our group.
2. I wish I could play
3. After living in ...
Portugal for a year he could speak ... Portuguese fluently.
Earth is our home, we need to keep it clean for future generations,
5. My dad likes to read ... Times in the mornings.
plants and ... humans can't live without ... water.
6....animals,....plants and.....humans can't live without....water
7. My friends asked me to go to ... cinema in ... evening.
8. We all think that everything will be different in ... future.
9. I heard about an interesting film. ... film is called "Titanic".
10.... Tom is ... tallest among his friends.


Ответ дал: Rokki09


1. My friend Tom is the best student in our group.

2. I wish I could play the piano!

3. After living in Portugal for a year he could speak Portuguese fluently.

4. Earth is our home, we need to keep it clean for future generations,

5. My dad likes to read the Times in the mornings.

plants and humans can't live without water.

6. animals, plants and humans can't live without water

7. My friends asked me to go to the cinema in the evening.

8. We all think that everything will be different in the future.

9. I heard about an interesting film. The film is called "Titanic".

10. Tom is the tallest among his friends.

serikovagulnaz0: спасибо
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