Complete the dialogue with for, since, or the correct present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
Tom: Hi Dan. 1___________ you ___________ (hear) about the basketball team? They need some new players for this term.
Dan: Really? I haven’t played basketball 2___________ last year, but maybe I'll go and talk to the sports coach.
Tom: Great. I'm definitely going to try and get into the team. But first I need some new trainers. 3___________ you ___________ (see) any in the shops?
Dan: Hmm. There are some good trainers in that new shop in town, Delalio’s Sports.
Tom: I 4___________ (not go) to that shop. Where is it?
Dan: It’s near the river on Bond Street. It's only been open 5___________ a few weeks.
Tom: Cool. I'll go there and have a look.


Ответ дал: darya240880

Ответ:1 My sister has known...since...

2 ...have watched....for

3...hasn't rained...since

4...have played..since

5 Has your dad worked...for


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