14 Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

1 )
A:..... (you/go) to the bookshop yesterday?
B: Yes, I........ (buy) Paul Coelho's new book.
A: John..... work this morning.
B: I know. He ......(arrive) late for (have) a dentist's appointment.
A: Pam and her sister are glad they ....... (come) to your party!
B: Good!......(they/meet) many new people?
A: Stella ...... (find) a great new Japanese restaurant in town.
B: Oh, I ...... (eat) there last night, but I ..... (not/try) the sushi!
A: ..... (you/see) the new James Bond film last night?
B: No. I ...... (have) a shower and ..... (go) to bed early.


Ответ дал: vitalinafateeva

1. a. did you go; b. bought

2. a. did; b. arrived, had

3. a. came; b. did they meet

4. a. found; b. ate, didn't try

5. a. did you see; b. had, went

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