Read the statements (1-5)
and find the key words. Now do
the task. Find the words in the
text and in the sentences that
helped you decide. Compare with
a partner.
1 The Phoenicians lived
A on an island.
B at high altitudes.
C in cold climates.
D beside the sea.
2 The Phoenicians used the stars to
A give them light while sailing at night.
B guide them in the right direction.
C rule the seas.
D trade on their ships.
3 The Phoenicians traded mainly
A raw materials.
B food.
C ships.
D clothes.
4 The Phoenician alphabet
A was only for the royalty.
B evolved from the Greek alphabet.
Chad letters based on what they could
D had only sounds no letters.
5 The Greeks created their alphabet
A so they could cheat the Romans.
B with fewer letters than the
Phoenician alphabet.
C before the Romans did.
D around 7th century BC.​


Ответ дал: JustPatrick


1. D

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. С

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