Сделать лёгкие тесты
Choose the correct answer.
1. How long _____ in Paris?
A do you live B are you living C have you been living D you live
2. Anna _____ a good job recently. Now she works as a clothes designer.
A finds B has found C founded D has been finding
3. I _____ a new flat a few months ago.
A bought B have been buying C have bought D buy
4. Last week Lisa _____ me a lift because I _____ the bus.
A gave / was missing B have given / have missed
C gave / had missed D had gave / missed
5. “What are you doing tonight?” “I don’t know. I _____ out, or I _____ at home.”
A will go / am staying B might go / might stay
C am going / am staying D go / stay
6. Usually weekends ________ outdoors by most English people. A are spent B are spended C spend D have been spent
7. A: Ouch! There’s _____ in my eye! B: Let me look. No, I can’t see _____.
A something / anything B anything / anywhere
C somebody / everywhere D something / nothing
8. I stopped _____ my book and went to bed.
A to read B read C will read D reading
9. He always makes me _____.
A to laugh B laughing C laugh D be laughed
10. Susan says her laptop is at home. If she ... her laptop with her laptop with her, she ... me.
A will have / email B has / will email C had / would email D would have / emailed


Ответ дал: maksgaiovi


  1. c
  2. b
  3. a
  4. c
  5. b
  6. a
  7. a
  8. d
  9. b
  10. b


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