Using the verbs "REMEMBER / FORGET / TRY / STOP / REGRET"
Complete the sentences with the gerund or the infinitive using the verbs given in brackets.
1. I remember ____________ Hawaii when I was very young. (visit)
2. Please remember ____________ the door on your way out. (lock)
3. Did you remember ____________ Kim last night? (phone)
4. I shall never forget ____________ taken to see the Moscow State Circus. (be)
5. Don't forget ____________ how many are coming on Saturday. (find out)
6. I forgot ____________ to the chemist's on my way home. (go)
7. We all tried ____________ him but he wouldn't listen to any of us. (stop)
8. If you want to stop coughing, why don't you try ____________ some water? (drink)
9. She got annoyed because her husband stopped ____________ in every shop window. (look)
10. Just stop ____________ and listen for a moment. (talk)
11. I regret ____________ you that there's been an accident. (tell)
12. He regretted ____________ in the same job for so long. (stay)


Ответ дал: nineoneonezer


1. visiting

2. to lock

3. to phone

4. being

5. to find out

6. to go

7. to stop

8. drinking

9. looking

10. talking

11. telling

12. staying

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