IX. Закончи данные предложения, используя ат, is, are и один из следую-
mux rarojos: building, coming, having, playing, cooking, standing, swimming
1) Listen! Pat....
the piano.
2) They......
a new hotel in the city centre at the moment.
3) Look! Somebody.....
in the river.
4) “You.......
on my foot.”
“Oh, I'm sorry.'
5) Hurry up! The bus. ....
6) “Where are you, George?"
"In the kitchen, I.....
a meal."
7) “Hello! Can I speak to Ann, please?"
a shower at the moment. Can you phone
again later?"


Ответ дал: AliceSoon


1) is playing

2) are building

3) is swimming

4) are standing

5) is coming

6) am cooking

7) is having

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