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1.Listen to them! What … they … about?
a) have … been speaking b) have … spoke c) are … speaking d) were… speaking
2.This is the first time I … snow.
a) am seeing b) was seeing c) seen d) see
3.Sue went to India five years ago, but she … … anywhere since then.
a) isn’t going b) hasn’t gone c) hasn’t been going d) wasn’t going
4.Sit down at the table! I … just … the dinner.
a) am … cooking b) have … cooked c) have … been cooking d) was … cooking
5. All the kitchen was covered with flour. My sister … a cake.
a) had been making b) was making c) made d) is making
6.We thought they … each other for many years.
a) knew b) had known c) know d) had been known
7.She was very nervous while she … for the doctor.
a) was waiting b) waited c) waits d) had been waiting
8.Alex … in his office for 2 hours when his client phoned him.
a) was working b) had worked c) had been working d) worked
9.When I opened the door, I understood that somebody … in the room.
a) smoked b) had been smoking c) had smoked d) smoke
10.Jane said that she … her work yet.
a) didn’t finish b) wasn’t finishing c) had not finished d) weren’t finishing


Ответ дал: Lovelygirl001


1c, 2d ,3d ,4c , 5c,6a ,7c,8d,9d ,10a


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