1 A reporter ...
2 A driver ...
3 A correspondent ...
4. A secretary ...
5 A compositor
6 A news editor ...

a makes the newspaper pages.
b types the messages.
c chooses the best stories.
d interviews people.
e sends stories through the phone
and e-mail.
f delivers newspapers to shops.
(кто есть кто и подставить к каждому) ​


Ответ дал: TeddyBearr


1) A reporter (репортер) - interviews people (d)

2) A driver (водитель) - delivers newspapers to shops (f)

3) A correspondent (корреспондент) - chooses the best stories (c)

4) A secretary (секретарь) - sends stories through the phone

and e-mail (e)

5) A compositor (наборщик) - types the messages (b)

6) A news editor (редактор новостей) - makes the newspaper pages (a)


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