1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
Выберите правильные слова, чтобы закончить предложения. .
On the way back home Heggy and Chamby (1) e.g. smile/
were smiling happily. Now they (2) know/knew that it was
better to smile than to be angry. They (3) were/was so happy
that they (4) sing/were singing.
2 Write what you and your family were doing at
7pm yesterday/on Saturday. Напишите, что вы и ваша
семья делали в 7 часов вечера/в субботу.
e.g. My father was watching a football match at 7pm
yesterday/on Saturday.
the dog

edinarog910: 1 where smiling


Ответ дал: bahromjonmardonov


1 were smiling, 2 knew, 3 were, 4 were singing


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